Sunday, January 20, 2008

One Year From Today.

A purposefully bad poem(ish):

One year from today

One year from today, there will be no dark clouds
The birds will sing your favorite songs
The air will smell like sweet peppermint
The ground will be soft enough to go out barefoot
Strangers will smile and wave when they pass by
One year from today.

One year from today, all your pains will cease
Your arthritis will no longer hurt
Your aches will subside
Your sicknesses will heal
Your pimples will disappear
One year from today.

One year from today, snow will blanket the ground
while the air stays warm enough for shorts
and the sun shines brightly until 9:00 PM
Your boss will give you a paid day off
and you'll sleep soundly until noon
One year from today.

One year from today, the fields will fill with bunnies.
Dogs will become puppies forever
Kittens will sleep at your feet
Everyone will get their own pony
that will bring your your slippers and brew your coffee
One year from today.

One year from today, young women will walk the streets topless
while the men look at nothing but their personalities
The young will appreciate the wisdom of the elderly
The elderly will appreciate the energy of the youth
and Parents will end their endless worry
One year from today.

One year from today, Paris Hilton will enroll in college
Britney Spears will seek counseling and stick with it
Tom Cruise will convert back to normality
Lindsey Lohan will take up work at an orphanage
Mel Gibson will convert to Judaism
One year from today.

One year from today, China will let Taiwan become independent
Israel and Palestine will merge and share the land peacefully
Canada will no longer be seen as America's hat
Mexico will choose to share some of its wealth with the poor
Sudan will institute strict anti-weapon laws
One year from today.

One year from today, angels will float behind you
and give you a long back rubs as you walk
Spirits will whisper funny jokes in your ears
Ghosts will help you find things you've lost
and God and the Devil will share a warm embrace.
One year from today.

One year from today, your life will be better.
Because one year from today,
January 20th, 2009
is Bush's last day.

The Final Countdown.

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