Thursday, December 18, 2008

We Need to Know the Full Extent of Shut the Hell Up

Newspapers are slowly going out of business, but it is the cable news companies that really deserve to fail.

While this may be preaching to the choir, irresponsible journalism is not just a serious problem - it is also seriously stupid. In fact, Fox News may have it right - making up news is sometimes better than the news reported on.

Every day on every channel, some Republican or news anchor says "We need to know the full extent of Barack Obama's relationship with Governor Blagojavich." Every day. And every day Barack Obama has a news conference that says "I have not been in contact with the Governor." And every day the SAME news anchors and Republicans remind the audience that there is evidence that Barack Obama had no contact with the Governor, just like he said. And then these same people say, yet again, "We need to know the full extent of Barack Obama's relationship with Governor Blagojavich."

Dude. Shut the hell up. We know the full extent - you yourself have literally said the full extent out loud to us just moments ago. If you are going to fabricate news, do some actual journalism and research things so that you have something more interesting to lie about. What the hell are you paid for? Asking stupid questions that have already been answered is for the blogs. You are supposed to report news. Rather than reporting on things that you, yourself, have already admitted [in the exact same sentence as that stupid question] to be untrue, why don't you try to see if you can find Barack Obama lying so that you can be the first one to report real news.

When Sean Hannity says Barack Obama has nothing to do with it, you either need to shut the hell up or prove he's lying. Otherwise all you are doing is wasting my time.

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