While this site supports every Democratic candidate (can't we all just get along?), I've decided to dedicate a post to Chris Dodd, so that those out there who did not know he was running for president now have a reference for the important question: Who is Chris Dodd?Chris Dodd is a Democratic Senator from Connecticut, alongside Independent Senator and ex-presidential candidate Joe Lieberman. Dodd has a bachelor's degree in English literature from Providence College, and a J.D. From the University of Louisville. He has served 5 consecutive terms as Senator, making him the longest running Connecticut Senator in the State's long history.
Chris Dodd is one of the more moderate members of Congress, but his views are not too conservative for liberal voters. According to his campaign website, www.chrisdodd.com, homeland security is his main platform and he is one of the only Democratic candidates that has a long voting history of troop support (ie, body armor, etc.). Dodd, along with 3 other senators, introduced the "Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007," a comprehensive anti-torture bill with the support of the ACLU, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch among many others. Dodd is a firm disbeliever in the "Guns for Everyone" philosophy of the NRA. He regrets voting for the Iraq war. He is vehemently pro-choice, scoring 100% by Naral on his pro-choice voting record.
He is anti-gay marriage, but voted "Yes" on adding sexual orientation to the definition of Hate Crimes. He supports a guest worker program and a path to citizenship for immigrants.
From his Senate site:
Connecticut’s Chris Dodd is a senior Democratic leader in the United States Senate. A respected legislator who works in a bipartisan fashion to better peoples’ lives, Chris Dodd is best known for his work to make America safer, stronger, and more prosperous.
Senator Dodd is perhaps best known for bringing much-needed attention to children’s issues. He formed the first children’s caucus in the Senate and spent almost a decade fighting to enact the Family and Medical Leave Act, which has helped ensure that over 30 millions Americans don’t have to choose between the job they need and the family they love. He also authored and enacted landmark legislation to ensure that our nation provides better access to safe and affordable child care.
His focus on children may be his best asset. Many of the other candidates have been focusing on Iraq, or, in the case of Hillary Clinton, Iraq has become a primary focus of their candidacy even though there are so many other issues that could take precedence. Dodd's reputation is with children, not with foreign policy, so when all the candidates finally start turning towards the domestic issues he is going to have a solid platform from which to solidify himself, and make him a unique candidate in the face of the stars of the party.
Similarly, his lack of "stardom" may be a benefit to him as 2008 gets closer. It will be difficult for him to get the type of funding that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are going to muster, but he will also not get attacked with the same vigor that the two front runners will receive.
It will be interesting to see where Dodd ends up. Regardless of his current status, it takes some balls to put your name in the ring when there are three Democrats that were already in the running before the "running" even began. Best of luck to you, Dodd.
I am a firm supporter of Chris Dodd and appreciate you taking the time and space to encourage others to learn about his record.
You failed to mention the Family Medical Leave Act, which Dodd spent 12 years working to get passed into law.
Dodd's candiday may be drowned out a bit by the "Hillary/Obama" show, but I think time will tell. This country needs a steady, experienced had to bring us back from the Bush administration debacle that has plagued us for the last 7 years.
Again, thanks for giving folks an opportunity to learn about Chris Dodd. (www.chrisdodd.com)
Chris Dodd could very well be the "favorite son" from Connecticut that keeps this all from degenerating into a circus of big bucks and celebrity iconism.
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