Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Gates says US not winning war - Three Hundred Million Americans Roll Eyes Simultaneously

Robert Gates, in a hearing today, acknowledged that the US was not winning the war in Iraq:

“Mr. Gates, do you believe that we are currently winning in Iraq?” Mr. Levin asked.

“No, sir,” Mr. Gates replied, going on to agree with the senator that a political settlement is needed to end the blood-letting, and that the United States needed to convey “a sense of urgency” to the Iraqis about reaching an accord.

Mr. Levin said Mr. Gates’s remarks amounted to a “necessary, refreshing breath of reality.”

Senator McCain pursued the point about victory being elusive. “We are not winning the war in Iraq, is that correct?” the senator asked.

“That is my view, yes, senator,” Mr. Gates replied.

“And therefore the status quo is not acceptable?” Mr. McCain pressed.

“That is correct, sir,” Mr. Gates said.

What? We're not winning? But the President said "Mission Accomplished." At last, a defense secretary who admitted we needed a change BEFORE resigning.

Something is clogging my throat. I think I may be choking on my first breath of fresh air in over three years.

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