Sunday, December 3, 2006

What's in a name?

A lot of people ask me why I chose "Librocrat" instead of "Liberocrat" which would be the correct way to combine "Liberal" and "Democrat." The reason for this is simple: "Liberocrat" is a lame word. The true reason I took on that name is it is the most common negative slang for liberal democrats. Before I created this site and my shirt selling site (and asked couple of the best bloggers to allow me links their sites - thank you), if you searched for "Librocrat" you would have found 180 webpages, all neo-con blogs using it as a term to slander Liberal Democrats. So, as with most words used negatively, the best way to change its use is to make it your own. Thus, "Librocrat" was been born.

"Designed Intelligent" is simply a cool phrase. Viva la evolution!

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