Tuesday, December 26, 2006

"Stay the Corpse" - For Once, Everyone is Excited for what Bush has to Say

For once, Republicans and Democrats alike are looking forward to hear Bush speak, however poorly, about Iraq. Why? Because for the first time in years, he is going to propose a new strategy to his failing Iraq policy.

For the first time he has gone to other sources for advice on how to win the war in Iraq. He may have guffawed at the Iraq Study Report, cachinnated (real word) at the retired generals and chortled at his Democratic critics, but for once he is going to do something different. To stop "staying the course" and start "shutting the hell up and listening to people who know what they're talking about."

Why are we happy? Because even if he calls for a surge of US troops, at least something will change. It is an acknowledgement that we've been right, he's been wrong, and to fix his "error" he needs to get off his ass, admit that despite his owning the Texas Rangers he is not qualified to make a decision about... anything, and use actual tactics instead of sending a fixed number of men and women into a violent battleground and walking away from his desk as if he were playing the Sims.

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