Saturday, December 23, 2006

United Nations to Iran: Stop Being Naughty or Santa Will Bring You Coal

Just a few days before Christmas and the UN approves a measure to impose sanctions against Iran, reports the New York Times. For those of you who don't know what sanctions are, they are the legal equivalent to a harsh wag of the finger. To be fair, though, it is a very vigorous wag of the finger, with an added "if you still continue this behavior, you will be in a serious time out mister." If Iran breaks the sanctions, the result is limited to non-military action. It freezes the assets of 12 Iranians involved in missile programs, as well as 10 additional companies.

Meanwhile, the civil war in Iraq continues. With each passing day more and more Iraqis find themselves in the crossfire of a war that has ruined their country. One Iraqi man, after his business fell victim to a Shiite bombing, was reported as saying "I wish the UN and America would start sending us blankets instead of voting on useless issues. We're freezing our assets off over here."

To be fair, that's not entirely true. No one ever said that. The forecast for Baghdad has a high of about 56 degrees. But the media will have you believe that the whole country is on fire, and when you fly over it, that's simply not the case. Rumsfeld was an idiot.

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