Friday, February 9, 2007

Who Searches for Me?

Someone searched for "Saudi Arabia White Concubines" on google. I don't know which is weirder: That someone searched for it or that somehow they got to my site.


Anonymous said...

Wait till you get people comming to your blog Googleing "cheap teen dog sex".

That's when things get weird.

Librocrat said...

I don't know. I'm an uber-liberal. If the NeoCon propaganda is right, then that would make a lot of sense.

For example, I searched for "deranged psycho" and somehow I went immediately to Michelle Malkin's page and I thought to myself "well that makes sense."


Isn't it fun and often amazing to follow searches and see from whence a reader came?

Speaking of Malkin, I get many searches for "anchor baby" and I posted about her months ago.