Sunday, January 14, 2007

Submission: Michelle Malkin - Truth in Advertising?

Thanks to Moron Cowboy's Demon Princess for the following:

According to "Malkin" means the following:

1. Originally, a kitchenmaid; a slattern.
2. A mop made of clouts, used by the kitchen servant.
3. A scarecrow.
4. (Mil.) A mop or sponge attached to a jointed staff for swabbing out a cannon.
5. slattern; untidy woman
And according to
6. [a slang term that denotes a sexually loose woman]
as in, "that girl with the short skirt is a real malkin"

I don't know why that's so funny.

No, wait, I do. She spews more bullshit then a cow on exlax. And I'm pretty sure definition #4 is against her religion.


Demon Princess said...

Hey Librocrat,

Glad to see you enjoyed that "true meaning of the word malkin" tidbit. But What happened to "slattern; untidy woman?"

That's what I thought was SO funny. Ref of course to her wildly apeshit thought processes & her habit of wantonly meaningless hate-filled spewing vitriol.

Did I only hallucinate that? Oh damn, not again!

Librocrat said...

No, you did not hallcuinate it and the error has been corrected.

I think the joke about her being a sponge to swab out cannons distracted me from adding the apt definition.